breastfeeding, birth, and beyond.

Are you wanting to feel confident, strong, and prepared for the journey that’s ahead?

Only you should be in charge of deciding what’s right for you and your baby - but the system is set up against mothers who want to experience a physiological birth. You shouldn't have to convince your provider to “allow” you to birth the way you want. And that’s why I teach you exactly how to advocate for yourself and what your options are for childbirth - so now you feel completely sure of yourself and ready to take charge of your birth.

And the support doesn’t just end there, I support new mothers through your breastfeeding journey and during postpartum. Why would any mama want to approach motherhood without guidance?

support that makes a difference


Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish and bond with your baby, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges.


Giving birth with little to no knowledge about what to expect can be scary. Give yourself a peace of mind by learning more about your birth options. 

doula support

You deserve to give birth the way that you want, too many doctors are controlling the way mothers labor and deliver their babies.