Transforming Expecting Moms into Fearless Birthing Warriors

Imagine an empowered, transformative birth experience that leaves you feeling strong, confident, and deeply connected to the miracle of life. With our Birth Coaching Program, this vision can become your reality. Together, let's embark on this incredible journey and welcome your baby into the world with love, joy, and boundless possibility.

hey soon to be mama, does this sound like you?

You’re scared of the pain you might experience during labor.

Maybe you're not sure what coping mechanisms you can use to keep yourself calm and grounded during contractions.

You’ve heard a ton of horror stories about moms tearing or experiencing intense pain during labor.

You feel a lack of support by your family, friends, and provider to deliver your baby with little to no interventions.

Your provider diagnosed you with a medical condition that now has you feeling like you can’t give birth vaginally.

Or maybe, your first birth experience was traumatic and you don’t ever want to experience that feeling again.

You know what you want your birth to look like, but you’re just not sure if you can go through with it.

Fear of labor pain is one of the most common reasons why expecting moms hesitate to choose an unmedicated birth. The uncertainty of how you will cope with the intensity of contractions can be daunting, leading you to opt for pain relief options.

You may be finding yourself in a delicate balance of anticipation and contemplation, especially if you’re considering an unmedicated birth. You might find yourself grappling at  the idea of whether or not you are strong enough to handle an unmedicated birth.

Picture this…you're standing at the threshold of one of life's most profound moments—the birth of your baby. As you breathe deeply, you draw upon the knowledge, strength, and confidence you've gained from our Birth Coaching Program. With each contraction, you feel a surge of power coursing through your body, reminding you of your innate ability to bring your baby into the world with courage and grace.

What if i told you it’s absolutely possible to achieve a trauma and stress free - unmedicated birth?

I want you to know that an unmedicated birth is not only safe but entirely achievable. Countless women have walked this path before you, tapping into their inner strength, resilience, and trust in their bodies' innate ability to bring their babies into the world naturally. Through centuries of childbirth, our bodies have evolved to perform this miraculous feat with grace and efficiency.

You don’t have to do what your family members or friends have done in the past. This is YOUR birth, the decision is entirely up to you.

Yes labor comes with its challenges, but you can totally get through it without being subjected to interventions and medication.

And when you join the Birth In Bloom community, you’ll be saying “I had a wonderful birth, one where I was fully present and deeply connected to my mind and body” You’ll be so overjoyed because you made your birth dreams become a reality. YOU DID THAT!

without the birth in bloom coaching program, many mamas feel like they don’t have any power when it comes to their birth.

I can’t tell you how many expecting mamas I’ve come across and they say things like, “My provider won’t allow me to have vaginal birth because it’s too risky.” Like wait, what?? How can someone tell you what type of birth experience you have to go through without any logical explanation.

All interventions have their risks, so why wouldn’t you try for the birth experience that’s going to pose the least amount of risks. Make it make sense.

When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth every decision, every preference, and every choice you make is deeply personal and profoundly significant. So make the choice that feels right to you.

You don’t have to keep wondering if it’s possible, you just have to say I’m READY to make it happen!

see for yourself

I am thrilled to introduce you to my brand new coaching program called Birth and Bloom. Whether you're a first-time mom or have had multiple births, this program is designed to help you have a beautiful and empowering birth experience. We will cover everything from understanding the physiological process of labor to practical techniques for managing discomfort and promoting relaxation.

welcome to the birth in bloom coaching program

Your One Stop Shop For Birth, Breastfeeding, and Doula Support


Information and education to help you prepare for childbirth. We’ll discuss birth options, medical procedures and interventions, and guides to help you map out the perfect birth plan.


Lactation is so important, especially in the first few weeks after birth. That’s why I include a section and resources on how to get started and be successful on your breastfeeding journey.


How cool is it, that you’ll receive personalized coaching from a Doula that works for you and not the hospital or birth center. You have a whole team of dedicated birth professionals.

take a sneak peek inside...

  • Birth Vision

    Why you’re here and why it matters to you, so that you can move through the rest of the program with clarity and intention. By the time you’re done with this section, you’ll have uncovered your personal goals for your birth.

  • Understanding Your Options

    You will learn about the basic options for early labor, including your birth environment, fetal monitoring, food/drink, IV fluids, etc. We’ll discuss all of your options during the second stage of labor, including pushing positions and techniques, tearing, and the use of instrument delivery.

  • Pain Management

    Learn about the methods and techniques to start practicing your pain coping skills so that you can know how to release tension in uncomfortable situations. You’re going to work through overcoming your fears: learning how you might be able to prevent the fear from actually coming true!

  • Prepping and Planning

    I’ll walk you through how to make informed and autonomous decisions about your birth preferences. In this section, you’ll learn the formula to help you figure out exactly what needs to happen NOW so that you can stay calm during labor.

your birth belongs to you!

You're the captain of this incredible journey, steering the ship with strength, grace, and fierce determination. Trust in your body's wisdom, your intuition, and your power. Embrace the uncertainty, embrace the strength within you, and know that you're capable of writing your own empowering birth story.

a total birth transformation.

Get ready for a transformational journey like no other with my online birth coaching program. Get ready to unlock the power within you, to shift your mindset, and to embrace birth in a whole new light. This course isn't just about learning; it's about empowerment, confidence, and embracing your birth experience.

Birth In Bloom is not just a birth course. By incorporating coaching into a birth course it elevates the experience and enhances the outcome in several impactful ways. It’s not enough to just watch a bunch of birth videos, read through pages and pages of birth stories, or ask your provider what your options are. Because honestly they aren’t going to go in depth and really explain procedures to you in a way you understand during your prenatal appointments. Not because they aren’t a great midwife or doctor, but because they don’t have the time. And the hospital is a business - one thing they are NOT going to do is let you take up too much of their time, keeping them from other patients.

and that’s why i added in a coaching element to this program! it will literally make you feel that much more powerful in the birth room.

During the course of your pregnancy, not only will you have full access to my resource library - we will also meet on a weekly basis for 8 weeks and process your birth fears and work through any obstacles you may be facing when it comes to your birth and pregnancy. You’ll also have LIVE support from a Doula and be able to get your questions answered in real time from a real expert. By combining education, emotional support, skill development, and continuous guidance, coaching helps soon to be mothers like you navigate childbirth with confidence, resilience, and a deep sense of empowerment.

it’s no secret, birth comes with a lot of uncertainty. like for instance, you’re probably wondering…

  • How will I know if I’m in labor?

  • How can I prevent tears?

  • Does it matter if I have a birth plan?

  • What if my doctor won’t support my wishes?

  • Can I move around and change positions during labor?

  • I don’t want to labor on my back, what are my options?

  • I’m being pressured into interventions, what should I do?

  • And the usual, I’m terrified of giving birth to the point it keeps me up at night.

Bringing a new life into the world is an awe-inspiring journey, filled with anticipation, joy, and, for many expecting moms, a touch of anxiety. While childbirth is a natural process, it's also a significant physical and emotional event that can sometimes be accompanied by trauma and stress. However, with careful preparation and support, expecting moms can navigate childbirth with confidence and resilience.

My birth course isn't just a course filled with videos and handouts. It’s actually more of a coaching experience to help expecting moms like you really think about your birth in a different way that you probably never have before. It’s going to make you feel super confident inside and out. You’ll be able to literally walk into a birth room and demand the care that you deserve because you’ll feel so knowledgeable and confident in yourself to give birth the way that YOU want. How awesome does that sound?

I mean really? Of course you can go on Youtube watch videos, read birth books, or follow your favorite Birthworker on social media but how much of that information is actually sticking with you? Probably not so much, and that’s not because it’s not good information but it’s because you’re not putting anything into practice. And that’s what makes my program so different - yes you are watching videos, but I’m walking you through different scenarios step-by-step as you’re following along in a guide and then implementing the strategies we discuss. So you’re actively creating a game plan for your birth that aligns with your values and wishes, not just following blind advice from an expert that may or may not even work for you. You are creating the birth of your dreams in Birth In Bloom, not someone else’s.

our birth course isn’t like other programs

self-paced learning

Take your course with you anytime, anywhere. You can stream from the comfort of your home or on the go, the choice is 100% yours.

a personalized approach to learning

Every pregnancy and birth is different, I get it. That’s why I tailor our weekly coaching calls to fit your individual needs and preferences.

understanding your options

The biggest takeaway I want you to gain from our time together is knowing your options and having the confidence to speak up for yourself and your baby.

sign up today

sign up today

Get ready to bloom into parenthood with our transformative online birth course and coaching program designed especially for expecting parents like you! Our course is led by experienced birth educators and coaches, guiding you through every step of your pregnancy journey, empowering you to embrace birth with confidence, strength, and joy. Ready to bloom into parenthood with confidence and grace? Sign up for Birth in Bloom today and embark on the journey of a lifetime. Your empowered birth experience awaits!

meet your birth coach

Heyyy, I’m Sade a mom of 3 under 3 (if you include my fur baby LOL.) I became a Birthworker, because I saw the need for support and education for new mothers to be. I had a positive birth experience, but I also had a wonderful birth partner. It took a lot of education and preparation to overcome my fears associated with childbirth, but I DID IT! And so can you!

During my time serving families, I’ve learned to help parents explore and unveil their birth goals, so they feel more confident in their abilities to have a positive birth. Now I get to do what I love every single day.

What’s Waiting For You Inside The Birth In Bloom Community…

11 Impactful modules

Unlock a wealth of knowledge with our learning modules, specifically crafted to empower expecting families with the information you need to make informed decisions and embrace your birthing journey with confidence.

your very own mom tribe

A sanctuary where soon to be moms come together to share, support, and celebrate the beautiful journey of motherhood. In our community, you'll find a diverse group of mothers from all walks of life, united by the common bond of parenthood.

educational videos

From understanding the stages of labor to exploring pain management options, birthing environments, and beyond, each module is packed with valuable insights and practical guidance to help you navigate your birthing options with clarity and ease.

resources and handouts

Articulate their birth preferences with confidence! You’ll have access to practical resources that serve as valuable tools for organizing thoughts, documenting preferences, and creating a personalized birth plan that aligns perfectly with your vision for childbirth.

workshops and coaching

You'll have the opportunity to participate in live workshops led by experienced birth professionals, covering a variety of topics relevant to pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood. Plus, with personalized coaching sessions, you'll receive one-on-one support tailored to your specific needs.

doula and breastfeeding support

Your one stop shop for breastfeeding, doula, and birth education. From latching techniques to troubleshooting common challenges, our comprehensive curriculum covers everything you need to know to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with your baby.

our birth in bloom coaching program comes with

8 weeks of group birth coaching, complete access to my brith resource library, guides and templates for creating your birth map, and a supportive community of amazing women on the same journey as you.

The program investment is ONLY $295 for a limited time!

Through coaching, expecting mothers gain a deeper understanding of their bodies, their options, and their rights during childbirth.

Payment plans are available.